Corona Virus Benefit Advice
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Universal Credit Advance Payments should not be loans
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Devastating Reports on Poverty In the UK
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Universal Credit Unlawfully discriminates against Disabled People
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Disabled People Facing Further Cuts
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Universal Credit Increased Suicide Risk
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Universal Credit Fails
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Universal Credit enables financial abuse
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Universal Credit is flawed – reports the Guardian
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For information about benefits,  these links may be useful:

Support for those affected by Covid-19 (from
HM Treasury)
Understanding Universal Credit Coronavirus
page, (from Department for Work and Pensions)
Coronavirus: Employment rights and sick pay
(House of Commons Library)

The Chartered Institute of Housing have produced this excellent guide: CIH Coronavirus welfare benefits fact sheet

People Living in Brighton & Hove with any questions or concerns about their money in these uncertain times can call our adviceline on 0800 988 7037

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