Money Advice Plus Annual Review 2019
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We have published our report of our work in the previous year:

Money Advice Plus Annual Review 2019

In 2018-19 we assisted 3,485 people with debt and welfare benefit problems. 2,179 people received face to face advice and case work in Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West  Sussex. 1,306 people received telephone advice and casework across the country.

The result of this work was to:

  • Increase clients’ benefit income by £1,743,070
  • Secure at least £554,888 in one-off benefits payments for clients
  • Obtain £247,900 in grants, refunds & compensation for clients
  • Write off £1,257,019 of clients’ debts
  • Re-schedule at least £1,791,986 of debt to affordable payments
  • Manage £68,334 of clients’ rent arrears
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