Corona Virus/ Covid-19 Update

Covid19 is impacting on how we can deliver our services. We are taking action to maintain services and prioritise key areas during the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

Most of our advice services are running as usual, with appointments by telephone instead of face to face meetings.

Our adviceline is running as normal on 0800 988 7037 – and we will shortly be expanding the opening hours.

Please do not visit us at our office – please telephone us on 08081 963699 instead. We have made alternative arrangements with all clients who normally see us in our office.

These links may be useful:

Support for those affected by Covid-19 (from
HM Treasury)
Understanding Universal Credit Coronavirus
page, (from Department for Work and Pensions)
Coronavirus: Employment rights and sick pay
(House of Commons Library)

We have carried out risk assessments to ensure safety, as far as possible, for our staff and clients during the pandemic.

These can be read here:

Covid 19 risk assessment for Eastbourne office 

Covid 19 risk assessment for Hove office

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