If you live in one of the areas covered by Eastbourne Borough Council (if you pay Council Tax, the authority that you pay, or you can check here
Find your local council – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) )
we can arrange a telephone appointment with you to help you with any personal debts or benefit issue. We can advise you on things like:
To arrange an appointment, please call 01323 635999
If you are experiencing mental ill-health and live in Brighton and Hove our specialist Mental Health and Money Advisers are here to help. We can help make sure you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to, and find solutions to any debt worries you have. Due to funding restrictions on this project we can currently only work with you if you are receiving secondary mental health services from Brighton and Hove but we have other projects that can help you too so please do contact us and we will do what we can to find the right adviser for you.
We have been working with in-patients at Mill View Hospital and people in the community with mental ill-health for over 20 years. We understand that it is difficult to pick up the phone or talk to us some days and we will find ways to make sure you can use the help we can give you.
We know there is always a solution to debt worries, even when your finances feel out of control and you are scared to think about them. Getting into debt can happen to any of us and it is nothing to feel ashamed of.
We are part of the UOK Brighton and Hove, which offers a whole range of help and support for people in Brighton and Hove who are experiencing mental illness – more details can be found on their website: https://www.uok.org.uk/ or by phoning their central access point on 0808 196 1768.
You can contact us directly to make an appointment for debt and/or benefit help on 0808 196 3699 or email us at [email protected].
We do a drop in advice desk every 2 weeks on Thursdays, at the BMECP . (The sessions fall on the even weeks of the year)
Where to find us: Refugee One Stop Shop, BMECP Centre, 10a Fleet Street, Brighton BN1 4ZE.
Drop-in desk between 11am and 2pm. Call 01273 664000 to find out when the adviser will next be there.
If your landlord is a housing association you may be able to access our telephone advice & casework services. We currently work with residents of: Hexagon, London and Quadrant, PA, Sovereign and Victory Housing Associations. Please call us on 01323 635999 or email [email protected] for more information.
The Financial Support Line for Victims of Domestic Abuse is run by Money Advice Plus and is part of our partnership work with Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA). It offers specialist advice to anyone experiencing domestic abuse who is struggling with their money.
Surviving Economic Abuse have resources and guides that can support you.
If you live anywhere in East Sussex and you or a family member have been affected by cancer, our specialist welfare benefits advisers may be able to help you adjust to changes in your financial situation. We offer in-depth telephone advice & home visits. For more information call 01323 635989.
If your landlord is Brighton & Hove City Council; or you are a leaseholder of the Council (you own a flat and pay the council for maintenance and ground rent), we can arrange a telephone or face to face appointment with you to help you with any personal debts or benefit issue. We can advise you on things like:
We are able to see people face to face again at our office in Hove and hope to be back at other places around the city soon.
If you are a council tenant or council leaseholder and would like help with debts or benefits please call 01323 635999 and ask for Nikki or Alison. Alternatively, please email [email protected].
The Moneyworks Adviceline is a telephone advice service run on behalf of the Moneyworks Partnership providing free and independent advice to residents of Brighton and Hove on a whole range of money issues including dealing with welfare benefits, debt and maximising income.
The best way to contact us is to use our online form to request a call back or email from one of our advisers.
Or you could call: 0800 988 7037 during our opening hours:
Monday – closed
Tuesday 2-5
Wednesday 10-1
Thursday 2-5
Friday 10-1 & 2-5
An adviser will give initial advice and may refer you to an appropriate project within the Moneyworks Partnership or signpost you to an external organisation.
If you are struggling to get through and just require Debt Advice you can call National Debt line Tel 0808 808 4000, Step change Tel 0800 138 1111 or Payplan Tel 0800 280 2816. These are national, free and impartial services